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Broader applications of existing cells for future treatments
Embryonic stem cells are among the body’s most flexible cells. They can turn into cells that make up organs, blood, nerves and bone. After birth, these cells exist in our bodies as adult stem cells and have a more limited range of options, usually restricted to the tissue in which they reside. Cells and the DNA within them accumulate injuries as we age and are therefore less able to carry out certain functions such as correcting damage to DNA, generating new cells or generating energy. That accumulated damage to the DNA in our adult stem cells makes them less effective in stem cell treatments and transplants. That is why we have to make the most of our cells before they age.

New Freezing and Storage Methods
Continuous development including Organoid Preservation

Better Freezing Methods
Strengthening and improving existing methods

Commercial Freezing Kits
Exploring areas of innovation in Cryobiology
Promise of tiny cells
For any cell therapy to be successful, the methods of isolating, growing and expanding cell cultures must be perfected. That means we must be able to produce millions upon millions of homogenous, long-lived cells that are free from contamination with unwanted viral, bacterial and chemical agents. Doing that becomes easier when we have access to the right cells, because the success of tissue generation varies from organ to organ. If we can discover the genes and proteins involved in every step of tissue and organ formation, it may be possible to manufacture more precise treatments and even the necessary body parts.
Things we didn't think were possible five years ago can today be done routinely in the lab. In the long term, it would be ideal to supply enough stem cells to replace tissue and organs for every patient who needed one.
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